Well, Houston feels pretty similar to LA (where my sister used to live), but very different...

I landed today this afternoon and so far I am gonna be busy lol, so sorry if I don't get on.

Today, I basically just met up and had dinner with my parents, my soon to be in laws, sister, and of course, my soon to be brother Tomorrow, I get to pick up my tux, help my sister and her fiance put the finishing touches on the remodeling on the house, and a ton of errands to prepare for the wedding, IKR? Lucky me!

I would be on PL every night, but the Embassy charges about 10 bucks for wi fi, for 24 hours, per device (laptop and iPad:\)

Anyways, it's pretty fun, and tiring, but I am gonna play PL for a bit, and then hop off to bed, since I have to get up early and it's about 1 AM my time on top of jet-lag....

So yeah, I am having fun, can't wait to hop back on PL, but also want to cherish the time I have here

So, anything I missed, I got on a little today, (THANKS SO MUCH HAIKUS ) but didn't see much. What's new with y'all? (Yes, I did indeed say "y'all" they are rubbing off on me!!!)