Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
You know what would be cool? If devs allowed health potions to be used in PvP. I'm sure that'd start turning things around. People would have to time combos and other things to kill their opponents at the right times.
Otherwise this would be a good idea but imagine a pure str bear or rhino in ctf with healing mages around. Invincible.

Before taking PvP in account we have to think things PvE wise. STS will not change anything which could harm PvE as PvE is their source of monees due to elixirs.

So, damage cannot be reduced for 2 simple reasons.
1. Would be hard to clear mobs in PvE because of low damage.
2. People would use old sets for higher damage. This could be countered by decreasing all damage but with the PvE enemies armor, hp and dodge these days, it would rly harm PvE.
Sure it would be possible to reduce damage overall but I can imagine that would be whole lotta work and as AL is STS' new golden boy I can hardly imagine something like this being done.

Next up is the overall crit/dodge reducing. Sure, the crit/dodge stuff should be reduced. But yet again, if STS decides to reduce crit/dodge it has to be done to all sets. Heck, some end game mages even use Angelic because it has high dodge. This would be extremely effective to reduce the "luck" factor in 1v1 situations. But the real problem isn't technically the gear but the insane buffs we have. Buffs should be reduced significantly and that should be an easy task.

Overall armor rating and hp should be increased, once again, significantly. Damage is hard to reduce due to facts I mentioned but to counter that, the armor raising for next cap is easy to do, and base hp changing should be easy as well. With superb armor ratings compared to previous campaign's items and a bit lower base damages of weapons would still make the new set far more superior to previous caps.