So, this is mainly a rant, but also something I think should really be changed.

It took me three days to find a group to run one of the KI elites I'm missing. Got one, two sorcs (me being one) and 2 warriors to run the third one. Things going well, then we die. One warrior quits, but the rest of us soldier on. My strategy for playing sorc goes well, and I learn a bit more while going through. Even when the tank dies I'm able to keep doing some damage and stay alive until he returns. Boss... a number of deaths, one reset. Boss is near death, I die. I meant to use another 1 plat restore but hit the free by mistake. Knowing the boss is near death I switch pet to shiloh and buy a speed elixer, I'm not 2 seconds away and the boss dies. I don't get a drop, I don't get the achievement, I get jack. Three days to get a team that finally goes through to the end, 37 minutes of fighting, plenty of plat used (my combo elixer died in the run, it took half an hour to get enough people).

Why do you have to be next to the boss to get a drop or credit for helping kill it. I fought, I did a large amount of the damage to him, but I got nothing for all the effort? I closed the game at this point, and honestly am still pissed enough that I don't really want to play. I've spent a decent amount on the game, and mostly enjoyed it, but crap like this makes me not want to play.

Don't get me wrong, I like the challenge of the current version and don't want it made easier. It's just stupid crap like this that pisses me off. Everyone should get credit for the fight. I understand leechers can be a problem, but this solution punishes anyone that dies towards the end of the boss fight.