Hey guys,

All Spacetime Games are a labor of love for us. Just to keep expectations in line, it's worth mentioning that Spacetime Studios is a small, independent developer (we're around 35 fun loving gamers working hard for your business). The other thing to keep in mind is that Arcane Legends is our biggest hit yet. It launched in November and we're already narrowing in on 5 Million downloads in 5 months! It took Pocket Legends almost 2 years to pull in that number! Hopefully that helps you understand why we're putting more of our efforts into Arcane Legends to keep it growing! We're doing what we can for all games, as Pocket Legends, Dark Legends and Star Legends continue to see thousands of new players every day. Not to the same order of magnitude that Arcane has, but still significant.

I know that some might say we should have just stuck with Pocket Legends and only improved it, rather than exploring and making Star Legends, Dark Legends and Arcane Legends. Who knows, maybe that would have paid off. However, maybe doing that could have led to Spacetime Studios having to close up shop because we couldn't make it work? That's all hindsight. What is clear is that if we can manage to continue making new content and making hit games that gamers like the play, we'll be around for a long while to come.

We know we would be nowhere without our fans. It's you guys who really bring the Legends games to life. We're working hard to earn your business and we really appreciate your interest and enthusiasm for our games!