Quote Originally Posted by I-am-Fogue View Post
yes dex i am obviously stupid because i beat nearly all of the bears i face even if i do get hit by the stomp it will make me 1/2 health if it crits (worst case scenario), and will take atleast another 2-3 hits to kill me and btw when i have finished with my combo on the bear their armour if so low they are already 1/3 from my combo or maybe even lower.
Also sure i will admit my tactics may not work vs an 18 bear (thats good) but to be honest i tend not to fight HS BEARS THAT ARE 2 LVLS higher than me... and im sure if i had repulse would be a different story, a story in favor of me beating you... and btw only way gundam will stand more of a chance of beating me if he had higher stomp therefore i would vs him with dodge loadout on and that would end it... gf

Yich i have vsed bous before and the majority of times ive won want proof? when im back from hols ill take screenies... if ya cant wait even ask bous who wins normally me vs him... yea yea ik is mostly luck on dodge bird, but on my 15 bear i beat most birds that arent 20+ so you can make odds in your favor with the right build and items so before any of you say its all luck well thats simply not true otherwise birds would be equal vs each other and they obviously arent dex,terroy,avianholic,tenks,call and lost etc. all proving this... sure some might wear founders but vs them without they will still probs beat you...

To clear up vs bears i stay close because they die faster also when my combo misses i am less likely to win (same as sbl bear comboing) but 1/2 of the time when i miss vs bears i win because funnily enough the more i improve my gameplay the luckier i get, strange aint it...


Attach a bit of that first paragraph u wrote to me into your actual guide.

Thanks for clearing it up