Quote Originally Posted by geojtz View Post
Hello everyone. When Forgotten bows were first released I hated them and wanted them to be nerfed or taken out entirely. I had a 5 month break and I have a new look at pvp and how it actually is. I am only talking about 10-20 pvp, for that is all I have a large experience and history in playing.
First off, I will talk about how forgotten bows do not make the game even for "noobs" and "pros" or more older players. Everyday there are new twinks, almost all have forgotten bows. Even when they use the said bows I still win with mine, this is showing that forgotten bows don't do anything really. PvP still depends on your skill.
Now, I will talk about how they make the game more fun. They do add a different elemet to the game, since then I have even gotten better and been able to understand PvP a bit more. Forgotten bows also make things different, making people creating new tactics on defeating the opposing player. And to all who say forgotten bows are too op, I must tell you that I can easily kite someone using one of them by just simply using an auto-bow.
Im conclusion, I don't think they should be taken out or nerfed. They have made the game different instead of the constant repetiveness of the game that it was before.
Who are you kidding Xore, you were always a level 12, you cant really branch yourself 10-20. I tried to get you to play on wixer every time I saw you, you never would. You like forotten bows because they make bears OP at level 12.