Let me start with how I spend my day:

On the initial hour, what the allies gives me dictates what I do.
Supposing I get, a normal buff elix, i will do the daily quests from the Black Hearts, the Dead City daily quest (I forgot the name of the NPC), destroying those bloody cannons at hauntlet, Monkey ball and Kraken mines.

If I get, an hour combo elix, I would naturally go farming eggs, Malison and Kraken mines (hoping to get a nexus), or if no party is suitable, farming eggs like ribbit, granite and flap jack solo. I don't use my full-combo elix at elite seas or other elite maps to farm chests.

After that, merching. Memorizing the list of items I need to check one by one. At first, you dont have this long list but you'll develop as you do this day by day. I always look out for founders for warriors. Lol. Sometimes, other players gives hint at the forums of which items are valuable, I'll add those in my memorized list.

Then, farming time. I don't do much of it, only 3-5 runs a day, thats it. Probably the reason why I'm nearing the poverty line. After this, merch again until I get tired and call it a day.

PVP? I die most of the time, I only run, a couple of matches, then retire.

Now its your turn to share.