Quote Originally Posted by Darko View Post
I don't like it, what happened to different gear for different classes, really lame. ..in pl and sl, all classes looked different. .. for example in sl vanity cap helms all were unique to each class .. weapons were different, in sl, on commando (tank) two handed weapons gave aoe, lower dps but more damage...one handed weapon gave more dps less damage no aoe, two handed guns gave even more dps, moee damage, but less armor since no shield....and a tank had options..... now its either a tank (sword and shield no damage at all), or a two handed sword....all the gear like mythic helm, and vanities are the same. ...rogues got ninja suit , but what did warrior and mafes get? A blue suit looks just like berserkrer.... we are remaking same levels just putting snow on them......suits look same, weaopns all look the same, levels now look the same :/ I mean every single sword and axe looks identical, that wasnt even remotely the case in pl.i xouls get same sword with different procs (shadow, fire, ice, etc)... very dissapointiong in game that had so much potential to be way better than pl...no variety..
I totally agree with u , i wanted to write a thread about this, but i did 1st lol .. hehe But anyway, he is right, it would be alot cooler if there would be a different items for each class.. its getting boring abit, cuz all is the same.. :/ Sorry i dnt say that the game is bad or smthing like that .. but u guys should change the look of gear, at least abit, cuz really everyhing is the same.. i would be so happy if mage,rogue,war. would have different mythic helms armors and all the stuff, but im afraid it wont happane never.. :/