Quote Originally Posted by sanchomundo:1058995
So I am new to PL and to MMOs. I have no idea what I am doing. I chose the fox since it looked cool. I am now at Balefort castle, and I realize that the fox is not as good as pretty much any other class. This is compounded by the fact that I am pretty clueless. I rush into battle, use some skills pretty randomly, and then die. Sometimes, I end up tagging along with a group of Level 30+ superstars who destroy everything in their path, and I luck into completing a quest.

So, my questions:

1) Am I bothering these groups when I end up playing alongside them? I enjoy it every once in a while, but I will never be good enough to contribute to a team like that. If I'm just a nuisance, I would like to know. I have no idea what the etiquette is in an MMO.

2) Is DPS the only offensive stat to care about? Seems like "damage per second" trumps other things like damage or hit rate or ... am I right?

3) Am I right that the fox is the weakest class, or am I just too green to recognize the true power of the ranger? I see mages, archers, and bears come into crowded rooms and clear everything out easily. Not sure how I would ever do that with the ranger skills.

1. You are probably not bothering them as it seem the level is to easy for them and you being there make no difference. However by doing that you are not learing the fundementals of the game and your class. I suggest you play in a level appropriate game and with people your own level so you learn to play the game and your character the best way possible.

2. NO All the offensive stats are equal or more important then DPS. Hit% is the most important of all as no matter how much damage you do if you can not hit your opponent it does not matter. As for damage it is very important as it has an effect on how much damage your skills do. Crit% is also good as it double the damage you do. Lastly DPS is also not so useful as it doesnt put into considaration the enemies armor or dodge.

3. You are to new to comperhend the usefulness of all character classes. There is no best class, all classes serve and have a purpose.