Quote Originally Posted by Arterra View Post
The troll's older bro from the swamps comes and kills skeller.
He then restores frogmar's powers with one of my secret imoxibilizers (he has been UNNERFED) and he comes and pwns all those goody goody guys in heaven. With a maega frogmar and a troll I take my hill by force.

I proceed to make my OWN Arterranism heaven, and more importantly a hell. The hell will be made entirely of alien snipers, and a couple of keepers thrown in with gurgs chifu training. And NO ORBS OR POTS ALLOWED MUAHAHA MEGA LEET LEVEL.
you have foolishly left your hill undefended by placing all of your minions in hell! my band of newly transformed angels (now with free internet!) takes over the hill yet again, and i aqquire 100 health orbs to place around my hill. (are they really health orbs? youll have to find out...)