Quote Originally Posted by MightyMicah View Post
It's funny because I'm warned about making statements like this in my essays. I think you are absolutely, and positively wrong. Just because you have a good connection to the server doesn't mean that the server is doing fine and dandy. My Internet has been working great for the longest time. Recently, however, the game has become extremely laggy. Maybe it's my Internet, maybe not. I'd wager that about 85% of people I've talked with in game are struggling with a lot of lag lately as well.

Be careful where you choose to stand.

So 99% are complaining of lag and you, the 1% without lag think that you're correct and that the servers are fine? You realize that defies the rules of logic, correct?
That post wasn't necessary and actually, pretty annoying.

If you do not know what you're talking about, don't contribute on the issue. I can tell you for a fact that it is not the game's fault. I make that statement after playing from multiple locations from multiple different devices. Please, if you DO NOT know what you are talking about, don't try to contradict a statement that is stating the facts. I work with computers, my entire family works with computers. I know what I'm saying when I'm making this statement and experiencing it myself.

You forgot to mention that 85% of PL players don't know what they're talking about with their lag either. Why? I'm able to fix most players lag that ask for help. It is NOT STS's fault.