Sooo.. I was meditating today, using my favorite insence (Bearacudda) Make with bear and there favorite food. So while i was meditating i had an idea...Out of my bong came the great Obamadini, So thats when i got my idea.. Sexy lv10 Twinks...

Somehow they both hit 100 kills with 19 deaths.. weird right?

Sooo anyways I was curious as if to anyone else.. wants to have fun!

Idea is, twin 10 tourney!

2v2 lv 10 ....

This idea will be put into place November 1st.

In order to stop running around finding donations, and loooking like a cheap asshole, i decided to make a cheap buy in

10k per team.. 5k each! if u cant afford that then.. delete all your chars
Soo, Heres what were gonna do! Since training a lv 10 takes 5 minutes, just make one, grab a friend, have your mom dress u and BOOM

You have 3 wishes! 300k each with no guarentee of trueness, With a 80% tax!

Do not take last line seriously