Welcome fellow PL forumers to L&E - The PL Sig Shoppe! The Shoppe is made by me (Lalarie) and Extreme. We have decided to join forces and make sigs together! Hope you enjoy!
The price of is signature is 550 gold each (all proceeds will go to the Stupidness Foundation - Solving Stupidness Step by Step. We also take donations!). You pay after the signature is uploaded... but beware, if you don't pay... my crazy dove, Clawcaw and hungry Extreme's dragon, Eat, will come and get you! Due to two people making one sig, don't expect your signature to be done in the same day or next (might be). We need a picture of your character(s) you want in the sig, the names of the characters, quotes, comments, background, etc.
Sigs In Making/Paid/Unpaid for
-Dreuefesie [Unpaid]
-Reun [Paid] [TY FOR DONATION!]