Quote Originally Posted by Qingsanale1st View Post
yea and i had a bit of trouble udating my sig... -_- u can see here.
Also, I need to note that my timezone is gmt 10+ (out of DST at this time) so i may prefer a match to be before 2 pm GMT 0 on sunday for any sunday match if possible.
For Example I see we have a very late match with Guild: 8bit proposed...
Maybe we can make it instead from somewhere around or between Friday 4pm - Saturday 12am GMT 0?
(Teishi is also in our guild, she plays ctf, but i'm not sure if she will help)
Well this is a tough one, considering you have GMT +10, others in your guild (Sam and Cast I think) are GMT -4, and 8bit is GMT +3. That pretty much covers the globe lol.

Here are four options:

a) 1 pm Saturday GMT -4 | 8 pm Saturday GMT +3 | 3 am Sunday GMT +10 | 5 pm Saturday GMT 0 (This seems late for your GMT +10)
b) 12 pm Saturday GMT -4 | 7 pm Saturday GMT +3 | 2 am Sunday GMT +10 | 4 pm Saturday GMT 0 (Only two hours from AOTA match with Zeitgeist, might be close)
c) 8 am Saturday GMT -4 | 3 pm Saturday GMT +3 | 10 pm Saturday GMT +10 | 12 pm Saturday GMT 0 (Only two hours from AOTA match with Zeitgeist, might be close, and might be early for your GMT -4 guild mates)
d) 4 pm Friday GMT -4 | 11 pm Friday GMT +3 | 6 am Saturday GMT +10 | 8 pm Friday GMT 0 (Might be early for you and your guild mates at GMT -4 might be at work)

Discuss it with your guild mates along with the current time planned for the match, and let me know what you decide.