I haven't plaeyed Arcane legends for a very long time because as a mage I just couldnt win alot in pvp. Are mages now much better at pvp then they were around the level 21 cap? If so can anyone help me out with a mage pvp build?
I see that they have a team deathmatch arena now, it sounds pretty awseome! As of now though I'm currently not able to redownload Arcane legends until the next month, so can anyone post some screenshots of what Team deathatch arena looks like
And lastly I did redownloaded AL and deleted shortly after, but if was before team deathmatch was implented. I saw that I had a vip chest, and wondered for those who did get a Vip chest what did you recieve? When I got on I listed my level 5 founders warrior armor in cs for 10k, because there wasnt any in the cs and didnt want to overprice and I waste tax money. Im not a good merch so I rely on bundles for gear
Yes and if anyone wants to buy a founders Rogue set and Founders helm for warrior Ill sell when my connections fast enough to redownload which would be next month, I also have alot of bundle pinks, but only for my mage I did it mainly to get auction slots and inventory slots, and everytime I grew out of my current bunde set
Thanks for the answers