This is a tricky one. In ~theory~, I loved the idea of the elite dungeons because it reuses old content in a new way. One of the limitations of PL is once you hit the cap you were stuck farming on the same board over and over. The Elite Dungeons gave players a change of pace for some variety, and since it reuses content that is already there I thought it was pretty brilliant and easy to maintain. That of course is all theory. Now for reality.
I missed the Second level cap, but apparently all the players were still farming Jarl and just ignoring the new content because it was that much easier.
Patch that up by making the previous ones only give drops up to one level before, and STILL players are just farming Jarl ... well because it was easier.
Patch that up by making the first ones only go to 26.
So now what we have is an entire area out of play, two where the chests only go up to regular level and players SCATTERED all over the place. Got us a problem that needs some fixing. Hmm, scrap the system, or find a better a way to get those scattered players into games with each other. Yeah, I got nothing either