I never said it did not take lots of effort on your part. What I said is there was a large luck component involved. I don't think achievements should involve luck. Yes, there is always somewhat of a luck component in everything we do in this game. But for most achievements, luck is only a small part of it. To loot an arcane or mythic item from a locked crate, luck is the major component involved.

When my neighbor won the lottery, I did not congratulate him on his "achievement". I congratulated him on his luck and good fortune.

I understand you are upset because of all the plat you spent on trying to get the achievement. Just so you know, I spent a ton too, and did not loot an arcane (or mythic) item ever. I just do not think the system was fair. Unfortunately there is no way to go back now and fix it retroactively, but they can (and did) fix it going forward.

And BTW, during the first 2 weeks after Arcane items were released back in February, you could get the Arcane achievement just by borrowing an arcane item (hooks or egg) from your friend, and then giving it back. You didn't need to even hatch the egg. Then they changed that, and the reason they gave for the change was that they did not want players being scammed by those who asked to borrow the arcane item for the achievement, and then did not give it back. Since you cannot hatch an egg and then give it back, there is no issue of scamming here, so the current way fits in fine with the original STS goal.