If the devs wouldve made new dual and dagger weapons for the fox class, then we'd probably see more foxes using dag/duals. I have 2 lvl 50 foxes and in the time i spent lvling each of them, I rarely saw any daggers or duals drop. I've been playing pl for about 2 years now and have not seen any good daggers worth mentioning. Pink daggers are almost none existant. The ones available in pl are ok but it might've been nice to get some new ones. Especially dual weilds. The only pink duals that drop first woukd be the ones in the shadow caves(correct me if i'm wrong cause i haven't seen any pink duals that drop before that besides the trash ones) maybe its time for new weapons. I personally would love to have a fox with dual or daggers that have better stats and cool looks. We've been using the same weps for a long time sts. I think it's about time for some new ones.Not like the forgotten weps -__- we don't need any more crazy stat weps destroying pvp. We need weps and armor to give our foxes a unique look and play style instead of being like a kiting bear or squishy dex bird.