I've been PvPing this game for a long time and know that K doesn't mean anything for twink levels 1-17, i've twinked at all levels within this range so don't think of me as some end-game jerk...i've never even played end-game before lol....anyways, in these level ranges all K proves is your ability to farm noobs...When you start reaching level 20+, thats when you start facing more and more people who have good enough gear to at least be competitive, 21 I remember was just full of twinks...and for end-game 90% of your competition is fully equipped legendaries or mythics. I'm not trying to insult you, just trying to bring up the point that I wouldn't worry about having a good kd, it doesn't actually prove anything unless you want to show how well you farm noobs. Ugh I just read this and see how it can be insulting -_- please don't take it that way lol.