Seriously, big misunderstanding. You think red loaned me the jacket. Red did not. Period. He got mad and started telling me he loaned it to me. Thought I explained that in my post, but oh wait, you don't believe because red is your best friend and you trust him more than me.

Alright, i didn't think id make a post defending myself, but I will.

1. You said good deeds are not to be spoken of. Android you don't know anything about me. I got officer with no one recommending me, then promoted to head officer.

2. Red actually said he would recommend me out of the blue one day, and I said thank you, and the next day Desert talked to me about being officer. So later I thanked redrum for recommending me and he told me he actually didn't recommend me, and congratulated me for getting it myself.

3. I tried to hold a private meeting with you (android) and desert, but desert said he had enough and left the zone, so I decided to post on forums so there would be no misunderstandings. However I think misunderstandings is not the issue, you guys believe red and not me.

4. Breaching of trust? I returned UC set to desert the day I got kicked. I have proved myself trustworthy multiple times with Righel, Ravi, and even desert.

5. Rudeness? Me and Red are best friends and one day he starts ignoring me for 2 days. Also, even before he ignored me, he would never greet me when he saw me because he was busy farming. Then when he finished farming, then he would talk. The day when I got kicked, I myself was farming in Red sun and desert pm me and I took the time to talk to him. I also say sorry when I make a mistake. Android, you have no idea what red does. One day I joined him in motherload, and there is this huge mob at the spawn. I quickly kill the mob easily, then a noob joins and red says "haha kris you ruined my trap" and im like "?" and red says " I killed this noob like 6 times when he tried to join my game." and the noob who i saved told me "Ty" . Before I met red, I thought all officers were perfect, so I tried to do the best I could to also be like you guys, like des, like android, like beo, but then I thought, hey, if red can have fun, i should too. So I tell red oh haha sorry I ruined your trap. Back then I thought it was funny. Now I think its stupid, because I don't think you know about this. Red makes delta 7 games and then runs to boss, leaves the noobs behind, kills the boss and then exists zone. I however stay and help the noobs finish the level. and I have never told anyone about this, because like you said android, we arent supposed to tell about good deeds.

6. Discord among the guild? There was no trouble in the guild at all, at least not because of something I did. In the post I made earlier, I talked about how there was a mis understanding between ipy and I, and then ipy apologized and we became friends. What else happened? I seriously don't know. Then there is the red jacket thing, red gifted me the jacket. He told me I should never sell it because it is a gift. He said he would only gift if I never sold, so I tell him yes I would never sell a gift you give me. He is lying about saying he loaned, cuz he just wants the jacket back so bad. And the next day I am kicked from the guild, he asks for 45k since I'm quiting anyways, and I say, of course not! He didn't accept it yesterday, and now wants it because im quiting. So basically, it first started he asked for it back and I politely remind him that it was a gift, but he says he needs it and starts to beg for it. Then I explain to him that he doesn't need it, and he can just transfer his own red jacket to his second account, instead of taking my gift back to use for his second account, so we both win. Then he gets desperate and starts saying he loaned the jacket to me, and then thought it would be a good idea to make a scene and type in guild chat then leave. It worked. Well done red.

I have an offer. Let me back into bpm and ill ignore red, and ill leave android and des alone, but they can ask me for anything if they want. I will continue to support the guild, and so I can be reunited with my friends in the guild again.

and don't worry android, no one outside of this guild will care about what we post here. especially not these huge blocks of texts that don't involve them. I just had to defend myself. you made me seem bad. Red causes way more trouble than me. Gah. Once he said a bunch of bad stuff to another guy in black star in public and the dude said he was going to report him with screenies, but I knew he was bluffing and I told red he wasn't going to get banned, and so he was reassured and moved his items back. I spend like almost all my time with red, I don't know why he would do this to me. I'm not sure if it is his lack of sleep or something. I was debating if I should post this, because it may have been no use, but I feel if I don't say something red will continue to get away. Hope you read everything, and if you have questions of clarifications ask me here. I don't want a mis understanding to get me removed from a guild I loved.