Quote Originally Posted by Killingsworth View Post
When I purchase potions from Guild Hall, I usually get about 5,000 of each just to have a stock because running to buy potions all the time is a joke.

As far as how many I use - totally depends on the map and the skill level of other players. For example - If I am tanking Elite Oltgar Keep I go through between 40 and 100 health potions in a single run. Around 40 with experienced runners, and 100 with inexperienced players. If I am tanking Elite Breckenridge Forest I use maybe 10 potions. Elite Skull Cove we are talking upwards of 200 to 300 because of those obnoxious crabs killing my DPS all the time, I just sit there and absorb heavy attacks while my DPS run through the unbelievably long map.

FYI - I acquired Mythic warrior armor 4 days ago, I've had the Mythic warrior sword for 6 weeks and I have been a member of Elite Runners for several months.

>>I was still a main tank with an entirely non-mythic geared warrior... How do you think I earned the gold to afford my mythic gear?? I worked hard learning and farming Elite Maps.

>>The build information I provided was entirely focused on Champion of Will Armor and Helm. For the record I used Level 31 Storm Sword of Assault until I got my Mythic Sword. There is a reason I had placed my points in Armor and Strength the way that I did. Now that I have acquired some Mythic gear - my spec has been slightly modified.


Remember dude - you are farming Elite Maps - the stakes are high - the rewards can be big. You are making a relatively small investment by purchasing 1k potions -- Buying both mana and health potions will cost you roughly 20k. Elite Golden Warchests will net you 50k. Many eggs will net you 50k upwards of 250k. When you are "eating pots" you are doing that as an investment - you MUST think of it that way.
rofl u r saying like if one get good items (cost 50k+) per elite run. if it was like that elite gold warchest wouldnt cost 50k+
seems like luck % is more in ur account and i hav negligible %
the thing is that drop rate scks. not worth doing elites. m frustrated loosing money each run in elites.(nodr).
well we r rich to blow 20-30k everyday for nothing. bt wat about those struggling to get gold.

this season is complete crap without plats.
i manage to get 6-7mil from season1-2.
bt m lossing money this season. has 1.3m atm. :-(
i need only mythic armour. bt i think it is impossible for me.
atm i will do some crate farming in km3 until i regain my gold lost in pots