Quote Originally Posted by Roberto077 View Post
GM - Guild Master of Game Master (see dev)

Mod - Moderator (lesser dev) or modification

Bot - Using 3rd party software to hack the game and have an AI run your account. Using bots is bannable offense.

Gank/flank - (in pvp) Having a teammate use a separate path to go behind the enemy without the enemy knowing and attacking from behind before the enemy can react.

AH - Auction House (see CS)

CS - Consignment Shop/Convenient Store

Blarg - Can mean anything. Usually used when bored

Supp/support - Mage or Palidan that build healing and buffing capabilities and focuses on helping allies in combat

Def - defend (usually used in CTF)

CTF - Capture the Flag (PvP gametype)

PL - Pocket Legends

SL - Star Legends

DL - Dark Legends

AL - Arcane Legends

BD - Battle Dragons

Drag - short for dragon

Disc - can also mean discontinued (same for dc)

MF - Mount Fang (60-65)

Nuris - Nuris Hallows (55-60)

Bale - Balefort Castle/Sewers

Forty - Fortified Set (highest regen in the game)

Vid - Video

YT - Youtube

Cap - A small hat granted to those who play baseball. Also a number between 1 and 100.

Few things came to mind.
Uhm I'm not interested in adding words that do not relate to PL, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for you responses guys I'll edit asap! ^^