Quote Originally Posted by angeldawn View Post
I don't think it should be something ppl strive for. You should do it because its who u are. When ppl strive for these "rewards" ppl tend to give up on what got them the reward and revert to their old ways once the "reward" is received.

Just my opinion.
Yeah I completely agree with you, but as the thread said, the only reason that the community was really even "mature", is because everyone was trying or the Guardian status. Without that, nobody really cares about helping anymore, because they don't get anything out of it.

Unfortunately, I guess this is what the community has come to. Rewards for being good seems like the last resort. It's like my dog, I give him treats when he behaves. The whole meaning of the word "community" is to help others without benefit in mind, but this one is filled with people that don't care about that, only themselves (exaggeration-there are, well a FEW amazing people left).