Tbh I agree that the quest were in fact simpler than expectation, then switched to the feel that I deserved it after many2 runs at kraken smashing the barrels (without a clear indication whether it should be solo run).but the long and tiring thing becomes annoying nt because its challenging or difficult.simply coz its annoying.if the low drops should give more thrill I disagree.as again its by chance and for those who did not loot their mhytics and having to buy it with hardships this is not equal to its value of being a mhytic.

I must say STS did a very good job on the armour and helm design work to buff its physical value.but the essense of being mhytic is lost from the quest offered.not saying that it should be harder or fighting new boss with absurd dificulty.but it lacks solid content that bring the players to be drown inti its history for example, clear ties and chain of events as to mantain its core rpg format.I think new season has been perceived more as reaching cap quickly and then only into the game without stronger ties to the story.I think some or most who rushed to cap (including me) are suffering from this perceived thought.it can be argued due to its concept of being mmo too but I feel when it goes down to something specific like mhytic that's where you reconnect it with the story to spark the excitement.