Quote Originally Posted by Safiras View Post
I've heard the elite ashral heart drops the ashral shard amulets but I'm not so sure.

And for the elite overgrowth boss fight I'm pretty sure 2rogue 1mage 1war is the ideal setup. You need the rogue's 1v1 dmg when killing off the sorcs that spawn to heal the boss. 2sorcs in party though fully-geared I've ibserved aren't as effective and the run gets prolinged because one missed sorc gets sucked into the boss and then it regens a fair amount.

Having said that if there are ways to make a party with 2 mages work then I'm all ears
Hi mate, we do every run with 2 mages, its standard for us. I find the best combo is always 2 mages 2 rogues or 2 mage 1 rogue 1 warr.... Depending on whether u want a quick time or not. Obviously this theory goes out of the window when you start bringing Arcane mauls into the equation and warriors then produce enough dmg to do a rogues job :/

Anyway, ramble over, we use 2 mages because we find that the crowd control is alot more efficient and we are able to drag larger numbers at once. Though ice does not seem to work on the mages in shuyal, it does seem to work on the skeleton mobs. Clock then helps us keep them all grouped together for a fireball/frost attack/auto attack.

Using 2 mages means 2 clocks, meaning the mobs SHOULD be kept without moving anywhere, allowing the others in party to have an easier time in the map (because after all us mages are primarily for cc and support imo).

Using this method with a geared team works effectively, tho takes some perfecting with pulls etc. But then a bit of trial and error goes along way

Sorry if stated the obvious here, but there u have it.

And Queen/King, we'll get you some more gear later i promise