Maybe as it is 5am learn to read it properly? .... I am a very big plat user I enjoy opening crates and I am not talking a few I open 100-200 even more sometimes .... a day, I also farm hard! what Jon is saying is bring in a weapon for the plat users, make buying the platinum worth while, as the legendary weapons from crates are USELESS! Even the myth items from crates have dropped in value, but that was to be expected.

So why not make a weapon for each class that is not in any way as good as arcane. Surely introduce new ideas to keep the game alive? How is this idea any different than buying mythic pets in the store? This idea is to bring more money and weapons into the game that are on par with the current mythics! I know parents in this game that also want there children to have good items but its a struggle to get 3x everything.

People that complain about this are obviously non plat users and and it is plat users that pay for you guys to play.

Quote Originally Posted by gison View Post
You already know opening crates are a gamble, and you either get lucky or not.

I have nothing more to say because its 5 in the morning and I just woke up.