Quote Originally Posted by Joncheese View Post
Hi everyone,

Over the last week or so since expansion I have noticed alot of disheartened platinum users within the AL community, myself being one of them. The reason for this is of course because most of those players have spent hundreds, if not thousands on opening crates to try and get their dream arcane item. Most of whom have had no luck. Most of whom received immediately non tradeable legendary items, and a lucky few who were fortunate enough to get the odd mythic.

Now, for some time I have been trying to think of a solution for this that pleases everyone, and here it is...

Why not create some non tradeable weapons that can be purchased using plat only from the store?

Now I know immediately alot of you will be against this, but hear me out. Im not talking about items that will be the best in game, this would be unfair to those that cannot afford plat. Im talking about limited mythic weapons. Weapons for each class, weapons that are good enough for us endgamers to want to spend real money on, but that dont take the fun out of the game by making the arcane items inferior. This I think is extremely important for us and for STS. It does not remove the fun 'chance' factor from the game, available to all levels. It keeps the arcane weapons etc at the top of the 'wanted' list, and, most importantly for STS it lines their pockets

There is no reason why this shouldn't be possible, as it has been done with Slag and Abaddon etc. These are non tradeable and are loved by all. Lets bring the pet-plat option in for weapons!

This is just a thought and is a tip of a large AL iceberg as far as improvements are concerned, and Traejo has pointed out some great ideas on this post here http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...m-Elite-Shuyal
But I do believe it would make us plat spenders a bit happier, make our game more interesting, increase the competition and make the devs some money. Winners all round.

Thanks for reading
Jon, I know you’re not ranting, but I don't think this will ever happen...

Two immediately evident reasons I can think of are:

1) Crates are a skinner box, thus have addictive properties and keep people coming back and spending more money – look it up if you’re not familiar. If someone can just ‘buy’ the second best gear in the game, then fewer crates would be opened and the game would lose some of its addictive properties. I personally buy second best IRL frequently – it’s a very very effective way to save money.
2) You already can ‘buy’ the arcane weapons with plat since there’s a plat -> gold converter already or you can just flat out buy gold with $$. Either way you accomplish the same goal.

I do believe that more variety in gear that has comparable stats is needed. I’ve been saying this forever. I’m sick of seeing little clones run around wearing exactly the same gear and using the same build. Without this variety I’m going to start losing interest soon. Last season challenging elite maps held my interest well, this season, hopefully pvp will hold my interest… if not I will be seriously considering what to do with my hard earned money and, perhaps even not sharing it with STGs shareholders.

Right now, the odds of getting an arcane weapon have been guessed at being roughly 1000:1. So, STS expects 15000 plat for each arcane weapon in the game.

Personally – I’d really like to see two servers for this game… one freemium (the one we’re on with crates and plat) and one with NO PLAT players permitted, crates wouldn’t exist but with a subscription fee player base. I already pay roughly $30 / mo. to play this game in plat. Why not just make it a $29.99 subscription. Make the lixers that you get from klaas and shazbot ‘items’ that you can hold in your inventory and use when you want to.

Anyway - sorry I got off track there abit