Quote Originally Posted by Kraze View Post
I think you fail to grasp what it is that I am trying to say. Killing a boss withe the hope that you can get a chest and then hope that random drop randomly gives you something is not an effective drop system. As it stands I am willing to wager the majority of players sell the chests they farm and then buy items out of the cs. I will point back to say sewers in pl. you could spend hours after hours farming with nothing to show for it...however the time and effort was well worth it to see those bright pink letters show up. Maybe it's just me but farming low level mobs that you can one hit for a locked chest that then costs plat to open doesn't have the same thrill
No argument here from me. I loved the sewers, and still farmed there even when I was level 76. This fits in with my suggestion from a couple of months ago that they eliminate elite dungeons, make the regular bosses a bit harder, and have the elite chests and items very rarely drop from the regular bosses. In addition, they could also make it so on rare occasion the elite boss (much more difficult) spawns instead of the regular boss, and his drop rate for elite chests and items is much higher.

Both of those changes would make things much more interesting. But we are so far along here, that it would require major changes to the game, including eliminating quite a few achievements, and redoing the drop tables from scratch. So I don't know if they would be willing to do that.