Quote Originally Posted by DocDoBig View Post
Wow more Forum Gods coming back to Forums!

I really like your idea and I'm looking forward to ''Beta-Test'' it.
Will it be an App or a Website like your Stat Calcs?

P.S.: I was that random guy in Blacksmoke who talked to your lvl. 30 bird one or two weeks ago.
Beta testing won't be for a while, but i will keep you in mind when the time arrives.

It will be a website, not an Android, iOS or Windows RT app.

Ah yes, i remember you

Quote Originally Posted by Roberto077 View Post
Perhaps you could make it so people couldn't vote for their own guild? Maybe make a title system with your guild name so you couldn't vote for that title? Just little suggestion/questions.
I can definitely make it so that the guild owner or whoever put up the guild cannot vote for it... but i can't stop guild members from voting for their guild unless i make everyone register an account, which is somewhat of a pain.