Quote Originally Posted by falmear View Post
Right now there are a lot of worthless pinks in the game. Because there is so much architect armor in the game, the shade armor doesn't even sell. Also check out the quills they are so cheap right now. The quills don't drop from Bael or Krunch but you can see what happens when you can farm something in like 3 mins or less. Right now the economy is very bad and I am having to list things 3 or 4 times before it sells. I'd like to see the architect armor/helms & quills reduced. Also the arena drops architect armor/helms too. I was going to create a separate thread for the quills because right now a level 36 quills of brutality which is the best dagger in the game is less then 80k.

Also as a follow up to my original post there is about twice as much architect armor in cs then shade armor. And about the same number of helms of each. So how can the best pink be more common then the second best?
unless something has changed bael drops elite architect gear. I'm guessing krunch does as well.

i have personally looted two pieces of architect gear from bael

shade armor is more rare because as far is i know it only drops from puzzle boxes which only drop in elite shuyal...

this causes a major imbalance of best/ second best gear. there is more arch armor than shade in supply because of bael and krunch