Quote Originally Posted by Joncheese View Post
Thanks for this post Alr.

Whatever happened to running Elites and grinding hard to reach your target and playing the game the way you started it. For me that is why i love this game so much

Seriously though, i would be a hypocrite if i said i haven't hunted Bael on the odd occasion. I am not at all opposed to these guys being in the game, or for them to be dropping some of the loot tables that are there now. However i do agree it is having a heavy impact on the way this game is played.

My suggestions are:

- Fewer Spawns

Make them harder to find, make it so that a team of four (or even one in a case i know of) cant find him in an hour.

- Adjust their loot tables

Make it so Shuyal gear is not included. Also make it so that they do not drop items that are available from other bosses within AL. For example make it so that you cannot
get Firesquid Lvl 35 from him

- Add new loot

As Taejo mentioned, include new items (maybe only a few) that are desireable and worth their rarity.

I believe if you do this, there is no need to remove them from the game. They are a great addition and add another aspect and that is always welcome. Also it means that people would start running Elite maps once more. It would help the AL economy to recover from its problems, and would mean that places like Palm Rock that drop the Firesquid would then be 'farmed' again as the gear would be worth our time and effort since Brunch wouldnt be dropping them anymore.

I'm sure there is something i am missing, and a problem i haven't considered, and if i have please correct me. Im never the most clear headed at the best of times.

Again Alr, thanks for the great post
The three options are good Dev.. pick wisely XD