Quote Originally Posted by Ellyidol View Post

I agree with how birds should have higher DPS on a single target vs the crowd DPS of a mage. They should probably get higher spike damage skills? Or just generate more hate. But I think more than mage/bird aggro, that tanks should be able to get the aggro most of all. Right now it goes Mage - Bird - Bear in terms of aggro.

Also, on a different note, I have a thought on the new ease of Ao3. I totally understand and agree with it since it closes the gap between geared and capped players vs new emerging ones. This makes it easier for the lower levels and such to "catch up".

I suggest an elite dungeon targeted for the capped players. This dungeon should be hard enough for only the cap/geared players to do, and have some unique drops available only from it. Furthermore, these unique items from the campaign, should be binded to player. If its gonna be trade-able, it makes the Ao3 campaign useless since everyone will then be aiming to buy the new elite dungeon loot instead of actually doing the dungeon, then creating a gap again between the rich and the poor. If binding cannot be done, very rare drops of these items would also suffice.

Other than that, I'm VERY happy with the rebalance. 9.99/10 for me. Until another balance or update comes, thats my review (together with previous posts ofc).
yea i like that idea especially with the binding items