Quote Originally Posted by Taejo View Post
Keep in mind that the Arena is a way to get rich by not having to venture into the elite maps. It also requires no plat to enter, which is a rare thing for STG to implement. That only leaves platinum revives and elixirs for them to profit off of. I think Carapace once said that dying instantly is just an added challenge to the game. Without it, nothing would be very difficult to overcome. I see this to be a true statement - especially since there are absolutely no consequences for dying other than your "deaths" number increasing and having to hike back to the party. In the Arena, you can still get loot by staying dead or standing along the lantern wall and your group kills the boss close to the other side (doesn't work for the final drop from Hox, however).

But don't take my reply the wrong way... I agree that Bloodhammer's random 1-shot is annoying. I think Lojack is looking into fixing it.
There are consequences for dying other than ur "deaths" number increasing...NO ACHIEVEMENTS!!!