Quote Originally Posted by Ultimatezz View Post
Hi! I am really eager to receive the prizes if i win! You would just make my day!

Alright, here is my reason:

If i receive the glacian egg, i would use it to protect my friends in a battle or when farming by using glacian's buffs so that they would not die and restore some of their mana(especially for rogues and warriors) by activating its arcane ability

If i receive the lvl 31 legendery gear, i would be ecstatic! Yay! I would use them till lvl 34 then when it is not that useful to me, i would give it away for free to my friends who need them to make them stronger and so that they would not have to spend money on their gear or upgrading themselves!

If i receive the leprechaun pendant, i would use it for farming! If i receive some legendery gear that is not as good as mine, i would also give it away to my friends too!

If i receive the 500k+ gold, i would be able to use 250k gold for myself to upgrade myself and look better( i haven't even gotten enough money to even buy proper gear for myself and some vanities! ) then, i would use the remaining amount of gold to gear up my friends, so that they can also help me to level up and farm with me without dying!

All in all, i would like to receive all the items, but if i can only receive one, it would be the glacian egg! It is very unique, and i have never gotten an arcane egg before
And, ign is ultimatezz or i have another account, which i will reveal later, so please give me the glacian egg ok?