Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
Amazing idea, however, I doubt it would be implemented.

First off, what is the point of using mythics if it does not give an advantage? There's a reason why many players pay the millions that these mythics are worth. If one could just downgrade, a big portion of the demand for mythics may disappear.

Secondly, mythics have dropped so far in value that many players who are regular PvPers can now obtain them. Previously, this was not the case. A mythic set will now cost somebody approximately 10M gold. Is that really that bad for an advantage? Players used to pay 30M for this same set.

Thirdly, going against somebody 1v1, sure, mythics are definitely going to win. However, in team play? I've had many players come on my team that were non-mythic players yet we still somehow end up winning the match. Why? It's simple, our team coordination was much better. In teamplay, these large 1v1 advantages that one sees is not as apparent anymore.

Lastly, those who do not have much money but still want to PvP and think that gear is the shortcoming, well, that's why there's twinking. Lets face it, a major reason why twinking was invented in many MMOs was to allow other players have their PvP fill without having to pay millions for the best gear.
1) My suggestion also takes into account the feelings of mythic users and I am not suggesting to take away your advantage (which is why I included the Any room), but merely to expand our options so that those who do not have advantages can still enjoy PvP. Let's face it, those in power will always fight to maintain their power, those who don't have any will fight to overthrow it. It's not about suppressing the poor/weak, and I don't want anyone losing out on what advantages they have going for them; I am merely trying to suggest a way to give players more options. There will always be people out there who want to be the biggest and the baddest and the most powerful. I happen to think that even if the PvP playing field were equalized, people would still crave mythics. If not for PvP, than for the PvE advantage.

2) Sure, you can say mythic prices have declined since they first came out, and that's great for those who can afford it, but some of us will probably never accumulate 10mil and it's insulting to be told by some to "quit whining, save up, lolz".

3) You talk about team play, and you're right, in a mixed team anything is possible. But how about a team of full-mythics vs a team of non-mythics? In that scenario, tactics will still be a moot point. The underlying issue of balance still would need fixing.

4) Not everyone wants to twink. This proposal will allow end-game players, such as myself, who do not have the luxury of ever owning a mythic, to enjoy using our end-game skills without having to resort to twinking, which limits skill usage and allocation.

Overall, my main message here is that balance needs to be an option, not even a neccessity. That's the whole point of why the devs strive to create balance amongst the classes of warrior, mage, and rogue. If one class was unquestionably superior to all the rest, everyone would only play that class and ignore the rest. PvP is becoming a realm where it's go Mythic or go home. But every player deserves the right to stand a chance in PvP regardless of how good or bad their gear is.