Quote Originally Posted by Frohnatur View Post
Level 16 to 24 go to Watchers Tomb 4 or Upper Hauntlet. Plenty people, plenty loot. From 24 to 31 go to Kraaken Mines 3 (you find this map through captain Hannah on the ship, click Explore) Plenty People, plenty loot. After Level 31 go through the new shuyal maps. Plenty of people there. And those shuyal maps have atm the highest xp-gain. Also helpful: buy seven-day elix and if you have more plat, buy addtional xp-gain-elix. This should bring your char to 36 in no time. But be prepared: some of the higher maps need quest-lines to be done (gleipnir e.g.).
Am lvl 22 now but in Watchers Tomb 4 can hardly find a team lol..... do your methods work now or you mean one month earlier