Quote Originally Posted by Sprtcuz View Post
I totally disagree of removing the Achievement points Midas Touch.

1. ) because a lot of people get this AP due to Hard work.
2.) They spend real money to convert plats to gold.

Well in my guild most of us had Midas touch like 50-60 members and i was aware that one of my member can always run away with my gold.
that's why i carefully select the people who borrow the gold.
Hello, don't you think what you say is quite contradictory?

On one hand you say how many people got this title due to hard work. On the other hand you say that 50-60 people in your guild got it thanks to your gold.

And, sorry to say that - if someone spends 5000 bucks to get a title in a game that has limited lifetime then he's somewhat... how to put it... addicted

Once again, the point is not only not to get scammed - nobody can scam me because I give gold only to my kids and to the other players I only either give items or I help to farm hard bosses - the point is in all those PM spams, stalking, and guys asking to join guild only with the purpose to gain trust. It brings lots of bad blood into the community and turns friends against friends.