Quote Originally Posted by inkredble View Post
U have ur point cuz the only rogue I really have a hard time
With right now is ctf and ipred with their samaels but cutting JUGG cool down benefits the whole team ,
I guess let's not think too much 1v1 , we warriors always on front of line , 45s cool down is a long time tho, I don't think any other classes have that long of cool down, correct me of im
Wrong , put it to 35-40s I'll be happy.

If you look at it 4 warriors vs 4 rogues or 4 mages ofcourse warriors always look op cuz it's more likely 4 juggs 4 HOR, health will not
Go down 50% but case is now, one warrior have a hard time tanking for a team , u almost always need two tanks for the whole team
To survive , one tank dies taking 10k damages no heal, whole team
Could die in 8 seconds aka when JUGG wears off - then u have to wait for about 7s for hor
Perhaps 600 health, but definitely not 750.
