i think it would be great of there will be a secondary class

warrior= mercenary[weapon hammer][less dps more dmg]
sword master[weapon sword/sword and shield][more dps/armor]
rouge=archer[more dmg and moves faster]
assassin[more dps and crit]
mage= gunner[more dmg][more hp]
magus[more dps]

The secondary will be chosen if a player riches a specific level. e.g 25
they will have their own unique skill
sword master[skull spliter]
archer[frozen arrows or something]
assassin [can turn invsible for a short period]
magus[can summon necros]

you can also add some suggestions regarding the skills and secondary class type..


warriors rally cry
mage curse

i wanted some improvements for these skills because the are more often ignores
thanks for reading.