Quote Originally Posted by Worship View Post
-Not too rare of essence drops
That's an understatement! I farmed for 2-3 hours yesterday and got about 170 essences. They might as well give you one each time you fire the cannons in Kraag.

Why even make them a farmed item then? Just put a button on everyone's screen that says "get essence" and each time you press it you get one.

Sorry to be a bit sarcastic, but if they are so easy to get, then they will soon have little value. I don't see who would spend 10 plat to get a gem when you can get 10 essences in about 5 minutes of farming. And what's really the point of crafting if every single player will have crafted sets? We don't really need more character customization as we already all have different skills, skill upgrades, stat builds, and gear, and there are so many variations to choose from.

I liked crafting in PL when you had to really farm hard for the crafting stuff, and crafting your glyph set to demonic could take months of work, or millions of gold. But this crafting seems rather pointless and just a tedious task we now must do just because everyone else will be doing it and we must in order to stay competitive.