Quote Originally Posted by Madnex View Post
I have trouble believing someone said to be a decent engineer made such a bad choice. If you care to make a decent PvP build, you should start considering the full extent of each of the skills, as well as effect time.

Maxed Force Field will always beat maxed Revive. The only thing increasing after first point in Revive is the range, which is useless in PvP. Force Field has a nice +4 mana regen, which is the primary reason to use this skill, along with, practically, 75 extra HP for you each time you use it.

Also, you can use different skill builds depending the enemy class. Only one point is required in Suppression as well, since more simply increase the enemies affected and not the stun's duration.

For operatives, the best option is this: Use Revive and Protection before the fight. Both of them last for 120 seconds, which means they'll last through the fight for sure. Replace protection with Force Shield and Revive with Suppression. Learn to use your stuns. Suppression's effect is ruined if you fire it after a DoT skill.

For commandos, the same thing applies, although keeping Suppression is only needed to waste the critical buff if they are using napalm. If they're using pistol or canon, you should be able to live through it without wasting

For engineers, the fight is mostly about luck.Unless you feel like securing your win and you run around pillars to make them miss some DoT's, the only good tip after that is to spam everything as fast as they recharge. Suppression here is completely useless.

Lastly, full STR is not a good choice in my opinion. It lowers DPS, ups dodge, armor and HP only slightly and with full INT, Revive actually gives +2 DPS and +2 MP regen.

There is one more great observation that can help building the best possible PvP eng build, but I'm keeping that one a secret for the time. Most I can give you is.. it's about Pain.

Didn't feel much like sharing my awesome build and tactics but meh, boredom won. gf

ive been out along time haven't had much time to test recently but I was about to make some of the same changes I a sure you back in the day I was a pro and many can vouch for that me taking down best ops coms and engs out there