Just wanted to add one thing. Uctiger, they were farming Victory Lap. Anyone who had made it to victory lap has had to go through all the bosses at least once. So therefore they would have had to learn how to beat them. If they decided to leech those stages and let someone else unlock while they did nothing, then they should make sure they learn how to it right before joining random games and doing whatever the hell they want.

When Ao3 came out, even after I unlocked all the levels, I still felt noobish with them for a while. So my farming started with plothozz, and as I got better and more comfortable, I added gurg, mynas, etc one by one. I would never just join a random team if I didn't know what I was doing. If someone did invite me, and they were doing a boss I wasn't so comfortable with yet, I'd tell them, and usually they would either explain, or at least do enough damage so I wouldn't be causing too much trouble.

Point is, let people know you don't know what you're doing. We're not mind readers and are not going to explain every time we see a new person. I used to do that, and let me tell you, it's tiresome. When you've been farming for so long, you just want to be able to go in with a good group and not have to explain anything to random noobs!

Ok, end of rant.