Hi AL!
I have this level 15 toon and these are my current equips:
LvL 15. Depraved Blades Of Brutality
LvL 15. Shadow Guard Hood Of Potency
LvL 15. Tarlok Raiment Of Assault (I also have LvL 15. Tarlok Raiment Of Versatility)
LvL 15. Night Ocean Ring Of Warfare (Dex Type)
LvL 15. Tarlok's Heart Of Brutality (Dex Type) (I also have Swirling Amulet Of Potency, LvL 15)
What's a good build for me?
I tried full dex and reached 129 dmg, but I ran out of mana fast, now I went with 40 points in Int and my dmg is too low haha xD.
I really need help here and I appreciate every opinion