LOL! What on earth is this argument?!?! Is it not the same one that has been documented by such legends as St. Francis, Hanshan, Siddhartha, Diogenes, and Thoreau to name just a few? (Not to mention the one whose birthday we all just celebrated!) If you read any spiritual book at all they almost all agree that obsessing on money is a failed path. But they also invariably agree that only the individual can make this decision.

A game is a metaphor for life, but it exists within a closed system. Life, however, is an open system. Life is not a game. Games are a lot easier than life. So trying to apply game logic to life is just going to disappoint you. Life only has the "shoulds" that we create for ourselves.

Ultimately, there is one name I want in PL. I grabbed it in beta on SL and have reserved it in the other games, but I have never been able to reach the one who owns it in PL. I still want that name! If I got that name again I would start a new toon on PL and level up to cap. AL would go unplayed. I would pay lots of gold, even buy gold with plat to be able to buy the name. But I would never offer any sort of trade for plat or cash outside of the game. That is against TOS and I won't do it.