Quote Originally Posted by Doodlebeast View Post
1. Make a list of random items ( ranging from trash - pink ) obtained through multiple maps. Whoever first to give you the list of items will win the contest.

2. Player search. You will give hints ( related to the history of PL - ex : the map which has 11 stages back then. )of where Player X is. You can recruit a few players to help you out in this contest. Each player will give a different prize, like this :

Find | You Get
Player X | Hate set
Player Y. | Crystalline set
Mysticalnova. | L61 orlok set

These players will stay in the map they are told to. And provided with a question. They can hide wherever they want, but they can't leave until someone finds him.

When these players are found, they will give a trivia related to the history of PL to the person, if answered correctly, he will obtain the prize the player are valued.
Hmm I like your 1st idea. But gota see which items u need to find and take screenshot of it to show me. First couple of people get a set. Will have a time frame of 1-2 weeks and every day a new item will be needed to be found in the map. Some will be easy and others will be hard.