By no means am I saying that mages shouldn't heal...what I'm saying is that warriors need to get over the mentality that mages are required to heal them. Just pop pots if you're in trouble, and manage your aggro. As for orb sad as it is this game is completely unbalanced. Mages are the most important, because they can heal and revive...birds are second because their dps is insane...and bears are just charity cases, because the best bear with only increase the speed of the run marginally...or decrease it via spam stomp. Honestly, if they don't balance the classes everyone will have a mages...which is already becoming the case.

And no, you don't need to tank if you don't want to...frankly, warriors only make good tanks on bosses, because they can mitigate spike damage better. For grinding, birds and mages can hold much better aggro on groups, and are better suited...they can easily spec for strength and wear plate and use shields. Warriors, in their current state, are only the kings of crowd control. The irony is that most warriors make crowd control a nightmare via stomp spam.