January's Kill Contest will be on Saturday 1/11 at 9 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Lately we have a lot of high level players competing and only 1 or 2 low and mid levels compete. So....instead of having 3 tiers (Low, Medium, High)...we are going to see how it goes with only 2 tiers. If more players below level 30 start attending, I will bring back the old 3 tiers system.

The total amount of gold awarded will be 100,000 gold divided as follows:
High-Level tier: Levels 30 and up....1st place winner gets 50,000 gold
High-Level tier: Levels 30 and up....2nd place winner gets 25,000 gold
Low-Level tier: Levels 29 and below....1st place winner gets 25,000 gold

Any person that sets a new record gets a bonus prize...purple wisp.
Current record is Notasparkly's 1040 kills in 15 minutes. (In the event we end up with a double damage weekend, the record to beat will be Rietta's 1287 kills in 15 minutes)

Please meet in guild hall about 10-15 minutes early.

World Clock Time Zone Converter: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html