Quote Originally Posted by xXz21 View Post
what is the porpuse to have Mytic/arcane if u only fight with arcane/mytic users?? NO. the solution for that is make single pvp in any town. and make ''arena'' or ''coliseum'' to fight 3v3 or 5v5 to get some Coins to BUY GEAR. like a wow..

2 wars per match? and what is the porpuse? same dificult for 2 team. pff.. all with same items? infinite battle.. this game is not for skill is only for GEAR. u don't need skill to play Arcane legends have only 4 skills..

this is the same like a ''twink'' what is the porpuse to create a twink in arcane legends?

u only fight with same lv people..

in another games if u create a ''twink'' is for kill a High Lv Players.. not ur same lv is obviusly u are going to win bcus u are a FULL PVP twink. i don't see the porpuse to create a twink here i can fight with END game user and is the same. mytic gear = legendary twink gear. so is the same no diference just the lv..
Hello there, this thread is also meant for people willing to play and enjoy AL. You don't seem to be enjoying it much. It would help if you find another game of your choice that makes you happy