Welcome There are a lot of guilds out there to choose from. There's a guild thread that will help you read through and see which look to be the best fit. Some have a farming focus, some elite end game pve, some have a pvp focus or twink focus. I recommend jumping in here and seeing which people you tend to relate to/jive with the best and maybe join up with them.

Are you spending plat on your pets? If so, I suggest getting a talon, a malison and a haze. If you want to spend gold there are various pets you can get ranging in price from 23 million to 3k gold lol. Horton is a good one for rogue and is really cheap. Flapjack is okay for lower levels, too. My pets I get the most use out of are slag and talon. I do not have any arcane pets, though, or those would get the most use! heh. I liked my wrathjaw for quite some time, too. I have some guildies who swear by Mccraw. Oh, and I'm leveling a Grimm since he's so close to Slag I can swap them out when one or the other get hungry.

I recommend getting a few pets and cycling them out as they get hungry rather than feeding them. This way you level your pets evenly AND you save gold on feeding.

(I don't recommend spending plat on Mali since the gold price is so low but it's definitely worth the plat to buy a talon)