BEFORE THIS IS CLOSED OR DELETED BY A DEV...... Mr or Mrs dev I would like you to write me a personal response telling me what I have done wrong. Please don't just copy a whole post and quote the words verbatim from the rules page. Tell me in your own words.

Before this thread is closed due to some users preconceived notions let's just take some time to look at some of the responses we have gotten from those in charge. Name:  image.jpg
Views: 206
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So instead of improving a great game you decided to make a new one? Al is almost nothing like pl. A great reason I enjoyed pocket legends is the fact that it's not plat based. On the other hand Al is heavily plat based. In order to get the best gear you need the plat. In pocket legends that is NOT the case. Plat is used for cool add on vanities and elixirs that are helpful and not essential.

Sam said "The fact is we're not in this just for the money, just for a job. I think that very few are in gaming for the $$....... As for Spacetime, I can say with some authority that we're in it because it is our passion and we couldn't see ourselves doing anything else."

Ok so let's pick this apart a little. Tell me again how you're not in it for the money when you make a new game that's pretty much plat based? Passion. That's awesome and I envy that you've found a job you love doing but where is your passion for your customers? Yes, you can write long apologies and sincere posts but do you really care about the little people who've contributed to your business? We are asking for some genuine updates for PL and a user was right that old time players are getting tired of being ignored. !!!!I shall make suggestions below!!!!


Alright so I nit picked what Sam said so for a constructive part ill give ideas and explain my thoughts.

Selling the game was a great idea which made sense. Ideas like this shouldn't go unnoticed or just written off. Yes they are replied to in a very polite manner but we are looking for a real response and some real action.

If sts really cares about it's players in the PL community we should work together and figure out something everyone would be happy with. Perhaps a thread created by a mod or dev where legitimate suggestions and ideas would be posted. All other comments or posts would be deleted to stay on topic and aid in finding real ideas.

Just like the new gem vanity there could be a contest or idea pitch section. Users could post their own ideas on improvements and possible new content. This would be watched by a dev or mod to delete nonsense posts. I myself can figure a few cool ideas that I'd love to share with sts.

Even if sts doesn't have enough time for a full blown cap with all the bells and whistles I truly believe we can come to solutions everyone is happy with. This can only be done IF we work together.

Thank you all who took the time to read everything I have written.